Dubbed the “lord of the steppe”, lions must run away when they see this ferocious giant animal

Summer is the harshest season in Africa, when rainfall is very low, making water extremely scarce. The puddles left over during the dry season are considered “treasures” for wild animals. That’s why animals often risk their lives to compete for remaining puddles of water during the dry season on the African savannah.

If other animals often only look for water to drink to quench their thirst, then for hippos, water is especially necessary and extremely important. To keep their body temperature low, hippos spend most of their day immersed in water. Therefore, fights over water puddles often occur between adult hippos during the dry season. The losers will have to accept leaving to find new puddles of their own.

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However, because water is scarce during the dry season, hippos will sometimes have to travel dozens of kilometers to find a puddle large enough to soak in. Some of the pools have been claimed by other hippos, leading to fights over ownership.

Filmmakers recorded the journey of a male hippo to find a new water puddle in Amboseli National Park (Kenya), after this hippo was chased out of his water puddle by his mates.

On his journey, the male hippo found a new puddle, but could not defeat another hippo already there to take over this puddle.

Only when he found a water puddle occupied by a herd of lions did the hippo boldly challenge the lions, known as the “lords of the steppe”.

Brave hippo turns the tables on hungry lions to send them scarpering |  Daily Mail Online

Although the lions were superior in number, but inferior to the hippos in appearance and strength, the “kings” agreed to leave, leaving the puddle to the male hippo to avoid a “life-and-death” clash. ” unnecessary.

The clip of the clash between a hippo and a lion went viral after being posted on social networks, attracting millions of views. Many netizens, after watching the clip, humorously said that it is necessary to review the title “lord of the steppe” that people are currently giving to lions.

“That was just a hippo that was inferior to its peers, chased away by other hippos, but scared the lions. Is it true that the hippopotamus deserves the title of a lord of the grass?” Nguyen?”, a netizen commented.

Hippos are one of the largest land mammals in the world. Adult hippos can weigh from 1.5 to 3 tons, have a body length of 3.5 to 4 meters and a height of 1.5 to 1.7 meters. Adult female hippos are usually 200 to 300kg lighter than males.

While the lion is considered the “lord of the steppe”, the hippopotamus is known as the “lord of the swamp”. Hippos are very protective of their territory, especially they will strictly protect the swamp area they occupy. Even crocodiles cannot compete in the puddles or river sections that hippos occupy.

Despite its low and heavy body, hippos can reach speeds of more than 35km/h in a short period of time, making it easy to catch up and destroy animals that enter their territory.