I thought I would catch the prey, but I didn’t expect the lion to be surrounded by its own prey with no way out

Despite the advantage of strength, a lone lion could not stand up to an overwhelming herd of hyenas…

The lion is still considered the “lord of the grasslands” because of his majesty and superior strength compared to other animals living in the savanna. Lions are always in the position of predators and make other animals fear.

However, not all animals succumb to the “king of the steppe” and not always lions frighten other animals. If left alone, even a powerful adult male lion can become the target of a pack of cunning and cunning hyenas.

However, the prey at that time was still not completely dead, so it continuously roared in pain.

The pitiful cry of the buffalo drew the attention of the hyenas nearby. Realizing that the male lion was alone, the hyenas did not easily ignore the “delicious food”.

The hyenas surrounded and constantly harassed, not allowing the lion to enjoy his meal. Even the advantage of numbers makes the hyenas not afraid but also recklessly rush to attack, biting the lion’s tail to pull away from the prey.

Although the male lion tried very hard to drive away the hyenas, the lone “king” could not resist the whole pack of aggressive hyenas. Even if the hyenas join forces and attack at the same time, the lion can become prey and be killed.

With no other choice, the lion had to accept leaving his prey to escape.