The mischievous dog wants to torture the monitor lizard and endure pain to find his own pleasure

In a dense garden, a fight between a dog and a monitor lizard is breaking out. This is a confrontation between two creatures completely different in size and flexibility. The fight started when the dog approached the monitor lizard.

The dog’s quick and rhythmic movements create tension and suspense. The monitor lizard does not falter, ready to face any challenge. The dog jumped up and tried to bite the monitor lizard’s scaly skin, while the monitor lizard used its dexterity to avoid the attacks.

The struggle was long and both sides used all their strength to prevail. The dog repeatedly tried to catch the monitor lizard, but the monitor lizard did not give in easily.

In the end, the dog’s patience and determination paid off. With a precise jump and a final bite, it caught the monitor lizard.