100 hyenas yearn for revenge on the lion and reclaim the giant meal that was just stolen

Spotted hyenas are considered capable of confronting lions. Spotted hyenas run very fast, with a maximum speed of 60 km/h, comparable to lions, and in fact, they can chase lions. died on the grass. They often cause conflicts between the two species.

As shown in the video below, a lion was just enjoying its lunch when, in a few minutes of inattention, it discovered a group of hyenas had come to eat its prey. Anger overwhelmed, the lion rushed madly to attack the hyenas.

A hyena leader was pounced on by a lion. The lion with its sharp fangs continuously scratched and bit the hyena’s body. The hyena resisted fiercely, it also fought back with all the strength it had.

The hyena continuously used its sharp teeth to bite back. The other hyenas in the herd also tried to protect it and attacked the lion to save their brethren.

Finally, thanks to the support of the herd, the hyena was able to escape from the lion’s hands. They quickly left and did not forget to steal the lion’s prey as well.