The ferocious mother buffalo wanted to banish the entire herd of lions to hell because she wanted to harm her cubs

A group of lions is surrounding and attacking a mother buffalo that has just given birth. At that time, the mother buffalo had just given birth and the baby buffalo was just learning to walk. A herd of hungry lions approached and wanted to attack and eat the baby buffalo.

A female lion planned to kill a baby buffalo to eat. However, it encountered strong resistance from the mother buffalo and had to leave its prey as soon as it caught it. But everything is not over yet as the lion still does not give up his original intention.

The lion attacked the baby buffalo a second time. However, the mother buffalo is still determined to chase away the enemy even though she was weak when she was born. It is determined to protect the baby buffalo.

But luck did not smile, the lion herd was too large and they were too strong. The lions took advantage of the mother buffalo’s lack of attention and stole the baby buffalo.

At the same time, other lions madly attacked the mother buffalo. In the end, both the mother buffalo and her baby buffalo became a full meal for the hungry lions.