The eagle hunted in the territory of the mountain lion and ended up falling into the most tragic death trap

Although the lord of the sky has defeated gray wolves or black bears many times, if he is not alert, he can also lose his life when encountering the mighty cougar.

The Eagle is a large bird of prey in the order Falcon. They live in all places with high mountains, dominating the vast sky. This ferocious bird hunts a variety of prey, from fish, centipedes, reptiles, rodents to medium-sized herbivores such as goats, sheep, …

Although the size is more modest than the terrestrial carnivores, the eagle is not inferior in combat prowess. There have been many cases of eagles defeating even powerful opponents such as gray wolves or black bears.

However, in order to be able to fight dangerous enemies, the eagle needs to be very well prepared and meticulously calculate every attack, just a single second is enough to make it lose its life.

In the video, the hungry eagle locks onto a wild rabbit, quickly capturing and controlling its weak prey. However, the eagle’s behavior was detected by a nearby cougar. Mountain lions with a scavenger hunt quickly approach the target without being detected.

The eagle was engrossed in killing rabbits, unaware of the approaching danger, and ended up being beaten and locked by a mountain lion. Besides the element of surprise, the eagle couldn’t react in time as its sharp claws – its main weapon – were digging deep into the rabbit’s flesh, hard to pull out immediately.

The painful ending when the hunter becomes the prey again gives the hunter a better chance.