Hippo rescues wildebeest from the giant teeth of a tyrant crocodile right at death’s door

A wildebeest was suddenly caught by a crocodile when it went with the whole herd to drink water at the riverbank, but fortunately, it was rescued by a herd of hippos, narrowly escaping death.

A herd of wildebeests carelessly ran down to the water’s edge to drink water when a giant crocodile jumped out and immediately grabbed one of the wildebeest, grabbing the head of the ill-fated beast with its jaws.

The crocodiles managed to drag the wildebeest into the water to submerge the animal. But their plan failed because of the presence of too many giant hippos.

A hippopotamus rushed in to chase the crocodile and several other hippos surrounded them to show their strength, the crocodile finally gave in and released the prey. The wildebeest, after being released, continued to swim towards the shore with a badly injured leg.