The Lions tried to kill the newborn baby elephant but was almost beaten to death by the mother elephant

The African forest elephant, also known as the African elephant or savannah elephant, is one of the two most common elephant species in the world, next to the Asian elephant. They are found mainly in grasslands and savannah areas in Africa, from Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia in the east to Namibia, Botswana and South Africa in the west.

They are herbivores, living in herds from a few to more than 100. They usually have one large male and several females and children. They can also form larger herds when other herds congregate at watercourses or eating areas to protect each other from fearsome predators such as lions.

A mother elephant has just given birth to a lovely baby elephant, immediately the adult elephants in the herd surrounded the mother and cubs to protect them from the eyes of the lions nearby.

The lions were still stalking and watching the mother and daughter’s movements to wait for the opportunity to attack the baby elephant, after a while they were also able to separate the mother and daughter from the large elephant herd.

The lions rushed to attack, but the mother elephant took out her body to protect the baby elephant, being bitten by the lions, but the mother elephant was not easily subdued.

It used its trunk to repeatedly beat and attack the lions, not giving them the opportunity to attack their cubs, the lions were continuously hit with quite painful blows.

Although the lions’ attack power was very aggressive, they could not gain an advantage over the mother elephant, and were beaten to run away, after a while the elephants also came to support the mother and daughter to leave safely.

With her strength and perseverance, the mother elephant saved her newborn baby from the lions’ claws and taught them a lesson for life.