With its strength and sharp horns, the buffalo tells the lion and the crocodile why it is called “The Black Death”

The African buffalo is the largest and most widespread herbivorous animal in Africa, one of the five great game animals in Africa, the African buffalo is often referred to as “The Black Death” or “Widowmaker”, and is considered a very dangerous animal.


Outside of humans, the African buffalo has few other natural enemies and is capable of defending against (or killing) lions, their greatest natural enemy.

An African buffalo was engrossed in drinking water in the lake, it was stalked and chased by a herd of lions, but the buffalo’s caution prevented the lions from attacking there.

It jumped into the river and swam to the other side to avoid the lion’s attacks, but it also encountered a more dangerous predator lurking in the water.

The crocodile rushed in very quickly to attack the buffalo, but with his strength and courage, the buffalo made the crocodile give up.

However, the attack was not over, when the buffalo had just escaped the attack of the crocodile, the lions were waiting on the shore to continue attacking the buffalo.

But it was not afraid, it rushed to attack the lions with its sharp horns; The lions were suddenly attacked, confused and scared, and had to run away before the strength of the buffalo.

The buffalo’s strength and courage have made it a formidable foe in the eyes of its rivals in the wild.