The mother rhino put her horn on the head of the king of the jungle when it dared to tease her baby

Rhinoceros are one of the largest terrestrial herbivores, they have a massive body with thick skin and large sharp horns, helping them to defend and attack ferocious predators. like a lion.

A rhinoceros was hunting with its mother, when suddenly a lion that had been stalking before attacked it while it was far away from its mother’s area.

The baby rhinoceros was too small to resist the lion’s strength, but its mother found out and rushed to attack the lion to rescue her cub.

The mother rhinoceros uses her large sharp horns to ram continuously, the lion is not inferior, it uses its claws and fangs to attack the rhino and try to defeat it.

The two sides struggled fiercely, the lion also caused many wounds to the mother rhino, but with her strength and perseverance, the mother rhino also repelled the lion, making it afraid to run away.

Thanks to her ingenuity and strength, the mother rhino saved her baby from death before the sharp claws of the lion.