The careless eagle was killed by a leopard while trying to chase two leopards, the lord of the sky fell before the claws of the savage predator

The Martial Eagle is the largest eagle in Africa and the 5th largest in the world, with a total length of 78 to 96 cm and a weight of 3 to 6.2 kg.

In the air, they are apex predators, at the top of the food chain, and have almost no natural enemies. However, when walking on the ground, raptors will have to burn their faces with significant dangers.

The leopard is one of the planet’s top avid predators. Although its size and strength are hard to compare with lions, speed cannot match cheetahs or can not compete with the mass strength of hyenas and wild dogs, leopards are the ones with superior survival ability. Africa’s finest.

In the video, the leopard spotted the unsuspecting eagle standing proudly in its territory. After observing the prey carefully, the leopard slowly approached, avoiding alerting the opponent. When the time came, the leopard rushed forward, flew and grabbed the bird.

It was thought that the eagle would have to stay in the belly of the leopard when the winner suddenly left, leaving the dying bird on the ground. Maybe the leopard wasn’t really hungry, but just wanted to show off its strength to the intruder.