Zebra accepts to become a “Murderer” to save his son and send cheetah to hell

Cheetah is a mammal of the family Cat (Felidae) and is one of the fastest animals on earth. They can run up to 112 km/h in about 3-4 seconds.

Possessing fast speed, the cheetah’s body is quite slim and lacks the necessary strength, so they often encounter stubborn prey.

A mother zebra does everything to protect her cubs from a fierce hunt of 5 cheetahs.

Cheetah often opens the hunt with chase situations and the zebras are also famous racers in the wild.

The baby zebra is chased by the cheetah and is immediately followed by the mother, when any animal approaches the baby zebra, the mother zebra will launch powerful kicks at high speed.

The mother zebra is larger than the cheetah and it is ready to confront the cheetah. The mother zebra does everything to save her cubs from the deadly hunt, including attacking the cheetah.