An angry mother bison risked her life to fight a pack of fierce wolves to save her baby from being eaten

The bison is a big, scary animal. However, they also have natural enemies. one of them is a wolf. Although not large and strong, the wolf is agile and tactical when hunting.

Seeing her baby separated from the herd, the mother bison alone faced the fierce wolves, saving the calf from dying by a narrow margin.

The targets of the wolves are young bison that are not yet able to defend themselves against predators. Of course, the mother cow and other adult members always keep a close eye on their young.

Wolves try to separate the mother of their prey from the pack before attacking. When alone, the mother bison is difficult to protect from the attack from all sides of the predator.

However, there are exceptions and this time the abstain from the mother bison protected her young from the wolves.

Predators have also abandoned their goals when they feel unable to succeed.