Baboons become the reluctant savior of the impala when trying to steal food from the mouth of the cheetah

Baboons are omnivores, eating a wide range of foods including fruits, seeds, leaves, grasses, insects, rabbits, small antelopes and other animals. They rarely hunt other small animals, but often choose to rob small predators such as cheetahs.

A cheetah is pouncing and attacking an impala, unaware that the baboons in the tree are paying attention to the fat prey in its mouth.

Before it had time to deliver fatal bites to the neck to finish off the Impala and return to the nest, the baboons began to act. They plunged down very quickly, shouting and causing chaos, causing the cheetah to panic and leave the Impala position.

OMG. Baboon Baby Luckily Escaped The Attack Of Leopards Thanks To The Help Of Baboon Mother - YouTube

The baboons continued to chase and rushed to attack the cheetah, making it only know how to run for its life to avoid the violent attacks of the baboons.

The Impala saw the fierce attack of the baboons with the cheetah, it tried to stay still to avoid getting hit from the baboon when one was standing beside it watching it.

Seeing that the baboons were engrossed in attacking the cheetah without noticing it, the Impala tried to get up quickly and then sped away quickly and miraculously escaped death.