The angry mother hippo slaughtered a herd of lions in memory of her child who died tragically under the king’s claws

Hippos are known to be highly territorial, hunting any animal that invades their underwater territory.

They usually stay in the water all day and only come ashore at night to feed. Despite their large body and extremely sharp teeth, hippos sometimes fall prey to lions.

Is a full grown hippo so big and bad that it can casually walk up to a  group of lions or tigers, look at each one and just sit right in the

The lions could not find their prey on land, they pulled into the water to kill the baby hippo, which was far from its mother’s position, and then brought it ashore to eat. The mother hippo got angry and chased the lion to avenge her poor son.

The whole herd of lions was enjoying their meal when the mother hippo ran up to the lion cubs. The mother hippo was very angry. It challenged and determined to fight the lions.

Lions Attacking Hippo Baby. Hippo Mother can Only look in Despair - YouTube

The mother hippo recklessly used her huge teeth to bite the lion. An unfortunate lion was bitten by a mother hippo and badly injured in the jaw. Then the mother hippo left.

However, because the lions were too large, this one chased, the other rushed to kill the baby hippo, so the mother hippo had to leave. It sank painfully into the water, and the lions comfortably ate their meal.