2 lords of the jungle fell before the power of the sharp horns of the leading buffalo along with 600 other buffaloes, fortunately escaped death by a narrow margin

The African buffalo is one of the largest herbivores in Africa. Although this is one of the lion’s favorite prey, the “lord of the steppe” often has a lot of trouble defeating the buffalo.

Spotting a rather weak buffalo in the herd moving behind the herd, a lion rushed forward very quickly. It used its sharp claws to pounce and bite on its hind legs, not giving the buffalo a chance to run away.

Being attacked by surprise, but the buffalo still promptly turned back to use its large horns to fight back the attacks from the lion, causing the king of the jungle to step back.

The remaining lion also rushed forward, it suddenly launched a very strong bite to the neck of the wild buffalo pulling it down, then the other lion jumped up and bit the back, making the buffalo unable to move. waved to get out, all he could do was lie still and cry for help.

2 LIONS vs 600 BUFFALO - YouTube

Fortunately, when a buffalo discovered that a comrade was attacked, it immediately raised its horns and knocked the lion that was biting the comrade’s neck up and down, causing the two lions to panic.

At the same time, the buffalo herd also came to the rescue and scared the two lions to run away to avoid being hurt by the fierce horns of the wild buffalo herd.