5000 giant wild buffalo showing tremendous power from their sharp horns defeating 100 bloodthirsty lions to regain their territory

In fact, buffalo is not an easy creature to bully in Africa. If a lion hunts alone and subjectively, it is completely possible to be seriously injured, even die.

Therefore, when hunting wild buffalo, lions often follow the herd, choosing the lone, or weakest one to be easily slaughtered. However, if the buffalo herd gathered together to protest, things would become much more difficult.

While exploring the reserve one afternoon, we witnessed a confrontation between 5000 buffaloes and a herd of lions over the territory.

The wild buffalo were rushing to attack the lions in a horizontal line and were cautious. However, before their tenacity, the hungry lions were forced to fall back.

Both sides were determined to win, but the buffalo herds stood side by side making it impossible for the lions to penetrate their defences.

At the end of the video, it is not clear which side is the winner. However, with overwhelming numbers and solidarity, wild buffalo herds can drive lions away.