Crocodile receives a surprise attack from buffalo and has an additional hole in his body

Buffalo is an animal known for its ferocity and is not afraid of any predator. They often take down predators by surprise with their butts and sharp horns.

Recently, a viral moment on Youtube was shared quickly when buffaloes taught the crocodile a painful lesson after the crocodile tried to catch a wild buffalo in the grass.

When the crocodiles are not patient enough to wait for their prey in the water, they begin to seek to hunt on land. This crocodile was overconfident when he decided to hunt a buffalo.

The crocodile bit and the buffalo’s leg and tried to pull the buffalo into the water, the crocodile proved quite weak against the strength of the buffalo. The buffalo was in pain with a leg wound and called for help from his fellow humans.

Another buffalo immediately rushed over and attacked the crocodile with its horns. A large hole was made in the crocodile’s body and the crocodile ran away in pain.

This unexpected moment is rarely captured.