Rare: The lion stops tiptoeing into the water and thrashes violently to find a way to live

Rarely do we see the lion – the lord of all creatures falling into such a tragic situation.

The lion is one of the largest carnivores in the world. Their thousands of years of instincts give them many advantages, from size and strength to top hunting skills. In the African savannah, how many animals see a lion without immediately running away?

So when it comes to lions, people immediately think of majestic and powerful images of animals known as the king of animals!

However, in the wild, they don’t always stay that way! Especially when you lose your “location”.

As seen in the video above, for some reason, the lioness was forced to step into the water to cross to the other side of the river. Of course, “the land has the earth, the river has the hegemony”, if the lion can claim to be king on land, then the underwater is the “world” of the crocodile.

When the lion steps into the river, it means that it has to accept that there will be danger from “he Ba” here. And yes, the crocodile did not miss a good opportunity to taste the meat of the “king of animals”.

It quickly attacks and attempts to drown the enemy in the water. The lion’s appearance at this time was pitiful and pitiful, it was both scared because the attack was so sudden, and struggled with all its might to find a way to live.

Fortunately, after a while, the lioness also escaped the crocodile’s teeth, it quickly climbed ashore, back to the place where she was strongest.