The zebra was bitten by the crocodile, but it still fought bravely to the end.

The video, shot in the Masai Mara wildlife reserve, shows a herd of zebras wading across the river, despite the crocodiles waiting around.
And then, whatever happened, happened: a zebra was approached and attacked by a crocodile. Predators don’t have much trouble grabbing a zebra’s hind legs.

It then performed a “death swing”, causing the horse’s hind legs to almost break off. This is a common attack of crocodiles, which they perform skillfully every time they grab their prey. They will rotate many times to tear their prey into small pieces.

Despite the pain, the zebra used all its strength to move forward, though not far before the crocodile once again approached.

Suddenly, the zebra turned its head back, using its teeth to bite hard on the crocodile’s neck and back. The zebra’s incredible fighting effort allows it to temporarily escape the crocodile’s teeth in the moment when the enemy loosens and temporarily retreats.

However, when looking at this situation, no one thought that the zebra could save its life to get to the other shore. Sure enough, the ill-fated zebra could not do the miracle, and died before the hungry crocodiles not long after.