Counterattack at the dangerous time, wildebeest destroyed the cheetah formation

Born as a herbivore, playing the role of prey in many chases, but the antelope’s life is determined by it if it is brave enough.
Wildebeest are herbivores, often living in herds on the vast African savanna. Of course, like many other herbivores, they often “play” prey in many life-and-death battles with other predators.


The rare weapon that the wildebeest is equipped with by mother nature is the sharp horns on its head. However, they are not enough to deal with large, numerically dominant carnivores such as lions or occasionally cheetahs.
Therefore, the “trump card” of wildebeest is definitely quantity. Living in large herds, they will shelter and protect each other whenever there is an enemy appearance.

But sometimes, “that trump card can’t save them all.

As was the case with the antelope above, a surprise attack from the cheetahs quickly isolated and isolated it from the rest of the pack. Now, the antelope is no different from the bait placed on the cutting board.

Most cases like this end with a delicious meal for the hunters. However, this time when the antelope’s desire to live and bravery spoke up, things went in a different direction.

In the most dangerous moment, instead of running away, wildebeest suddenly turned back to counter-attack the fierce leopards. Confused by this action, the hunters paused for a few seconds before attacking again.

However, the determination and will of the “prey” is now clearly shown, making the cheetahs unable to do anything and being forced to leave.