Antelope uses its sharp horn to knock down a crocodile weighing 1 ton

Topi antelope is one of the wild animals in Africa, living in the Serengeti plains. They are the target of many predators such as lions, leopards, wild dogs and even crocodiles.

In some cases, when in danger, Topi antelope can fight with crocodiles to protect themselves. However, this is a rare and unlikely case.

Crocodiles are very dangerous animals, they have sharp fangs and can kill a Topi antelope in seconds. So, if it’s not necessary, the Topi will stay away from the crocodile and look for a safer place.

The antelope below has experienced an extremely fierce fight with the crocodile with countless wounds on its body. The antelope was almost exhausted and fortunately it survived.

The amazing moment was captured on Youtube and is going viral: