Poor herbivores when kudu was torn to death by two hyenas

This is the moment an injured kudu bull got its life taken away by 2 hungry hyenas.

The footage reveals just how tenacious hyenas can be when it comes to grabbing a nearby meal.

I spotted an injured kudu bull next to the road; we don’t know how it got injured. Then suddenly, right out of the corner of our eyes, we spotted 2 hyenas. These hyenas saw the kudu and gave chase. They chased it right in front of the car before bringing it to the ground and starting to eat it alive.

Despite being bitten by a pack of African wild dogs to the point of sticking out their intestines, the impala was determined to fight to the end to try and save his life.
Footage of the impala’s tragic moment, captured by a visitor at Kruger Nature Reserve (South Africa), shows the moment an impala was knocked down by an African wild dog.

While the African wild dog was biting its prey to enjoy the fruits of the hunt, suddenly the antelope stood up, using its horns to fight off the predator. Because the antelope’s belly skin had been bitten by a wild dog before, the antelope’s intestines and organs fell out when the animal stood up.

The impala now seems to have not felt the pain, using all of its remaining strength to fight off the predator.

However, the last desperate efforts of the impala were not enough to keep the animal alive. Other African wild dogs in the pack quickly appeared, surrounding the critically injured antelope. Not long after that, the impala accepted its fate as a meal for wild dogs.
What happened left the tourists who witnessed the scene shocked and sad. The clip also went viral after being posted on social media. Many netizens have expressed their condolences for the impala’s last-minute desperate attempt.