Death crocodile opened sharp jaws waiting for buffalo to cross the river but was pierced by buffalo horns

Cattle crossing river got attack by huge crocodile A mother cow with her calf try to cross the rive to go to other side. When th cow get close to the rivershore a huge crocodile bite the cow in hips area.

The cow struggle with the Crocodile in his back. The mother cow didn’t give up by standing in her feet and try to moves around to release from crocodile grip.

The bite of crocodile was not accurate his mouth was almost open. And he stay hanging on cow hips , because of his teeth are penetrated in cow skin.
After cow attempting the crocodile lost his grip and lucky the mother cow escape.

The only way to avoid crocodile attacks in livestock is to avoid rivers when crocodiles are present. No dogs & not shepherd has impact on this monster to fend off or something like that . Only the guns work but we have to same the wildlife . So the collateral damages minimize by avoid rivers when crocodiles hunting.