Leopards “fight” with hyenas from morning to night, only the smart will win

A smart decision helped the leopard get a nice trophy without having to worry about the hyenas bothering.

In addition to lions, leopards or cheetahs are the objects that most often become victims of the most “plundered” by hyenas. If a lion can knock down or kill a hyena, leopards don’t have that power.

The battle for survival forces them to confront each other when competing for food. And here is such a situation as soon as he was hunting his prey and was in the middle of eating, when suddenly the hyena rushed in like lightning, making the leopard also surprised.

The battle was filmed by tourists at the Mala Mala Reserve located in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa.

Immediately after that was a one-on-one fight until late at night, no one gave up even though they took turns eating their prey. When the prey was lighter than it was when it was whole, the leopard quickly hauled the leftovers up a tall tree, ending the long tiring battle with the hyena.