The greedy jackal uses cunning tricks to steal the leopard’s food, but it doesn’t know that death is approaching

In the wild world as we know it, it is rare for jackals to fight leopards. But for the sake of survival, anything can happen.

2 jackals try to follow a leopard along with a large antelope for a delicious meal. But the price to pay was too high for making the leopard angry.

The antelope was found dead and the leopard was trying to move its massive prey to safety. Surrounded by countless envious gazes of other animals.

2 jackals were no exception, because they were so hungry and craved a full meal, 2 jackals followed the leopard and waited for the opportunity to rob that meal.

But unexpectedly, perhaps the leopard is having a young cub and does not want to be disturbed, as well as the safety of the cubs. The leopard decided to attack the stalker and a jackal died painfully.