A family of more than 1,000 wild dogs competes against each other to attack giant hippos because they are fighting for tiny prey

This jam-packed sighting of a pack of wild dogs chasing impalas, with hippos and hyenas interfering, was captured by two people in different vehicles at the same time!

“When we saw the little impala in the water, there was a buzz of excitement at the prospect of seeing a successful chase go down, but my heart did break watching it desperately looking for an exit strategy. It’s a hard reminder of the cruel nature of the wild.”
“Everyone on the scene was waiting in anticipation, to find out if the impala would somehow escape. Or to see if the wild dogs would end up having a victorious breakfast. But what happened next, left everyone surprised!”

“Out of nowhere, a huge hippo lunged himself out of the still waters. With jaws clamping down onto the poor impala, taking it out instantly!! The wild dogs were just as surprised. For a while, they did not realize that their attempt would no longer be victorious.”
“Standing at the water’s edge, the wild dogs soon came to terms that the impala was no longer theirs and slowly started moving off into the distance.”

“The sighting finally ended off with dozens of defeated dogs! They watched the water calm to a still and then disappeared into the bush in search of another breakfast opportunity. Not forgetting that at least they had managed to catch one other impala in the process.”

“Eventually, all the action escalated when the dog grabbed the impala behind the head and dragged it underwater. With the hippo approaching rapidly, trying to get a hold of the dog. In a panic, the dog left the impala stranded in the dam. Suddenly, the Hippo flung the impala into the air, leaving everyone in the vehicle in shock. After this, the dogs tried to see if they can get a hold of the impala. But, unfortunately, with no luck, the pack lost interest and left the area.”


After a while of fighting, the hippopotamus drags its prey into the water in the helplessness of the wild dogs. Pictures taken in Kruger National Park, South Africa. animal animal animal.