100 wild dogs surrounded the hyena, creating a horrifying trap, all paths led to death

A hyena was gorging on its prey in the bushes when a pack of wild dogs picked up the scent of food. They quickly ran to the hyenas to steal food. They move at incredible speeds and use their agility to attack from behind.

Packs of wild dogs compete to attack hyenas and grab food. However, the hyena did not falter, it was determined to protect the prey it had worked hard to hunt. The battle became a tense and fierce battle of wits.

Hyenas use strategy and speed to attack, while wild dogs take advantage of their numbers and collective strength to cope. Every attack and counterattack threatens the lives of both sides. The war dragged on and both sides encountered difficulties.

Hyenas cannot destroy wild dog packs, and wild dog packs cannot defeat hyenas easily. In the end, the hyena took advantage of the wild dogs’ loophole to take the bait ran deep into the forest, and disappeared, leaving the wild dogs in despair.
